The Team behind Wonderfill

Get to know the people behind Wonderfill who want to revolutionize the beverage consumption towards more sustainability and less plastic waste.

Our Team

We are a startup from Zurich, which was founded by two cousins Alexander and Luca.

Alexander Pfyffer

Co-Founder & CEO

The innovator

Alexander, a recycling fan and sparkling water enthusiast, has a master's degree in business administration and teaches himself how to program in his spare time — always with a sparkling glass of water in his hand, of course!

Luca Pfyffer

Co-Founder & CTO

The all-rounder

As a former professional swimmer, Luca has already soared through water for Switzerland. With a BSc. in mechanical engineering in his pocket, he is now in the final stages of his master's degree with a focus on energy & environment.

Florencia Kuehne


The doer

For Florencia, taste and innovation are inextricably linked — grown up in a bakery and equipped with a Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, she drives strategic projects forward with precision and creativity.

Michelle Hunziker

Social media & content creation

The creative

Michelle completed a bachelor's degree in design at ZHdK and has a background in education. She is Wonderfill's creative force and provides the visual identity of the brand.

Our story

Why shall I buy a single-use bottle every time I want a flavored drink when I have a reusable bottle with me?
That was the question, Luca asked himself when looking down on his reusable steel bottle and a freshly bought soft drink during his commute from Lucerne to Zurich. Soon enough at a family dinner Alex and Luca discussed the news and the seed was planted. Alex went for a trip to Ghana taking part in a beach cleanup, recognizing the extent of the plastic problem. Once back in Switzerland, Alex and Luca sat together to discuss the project Wonderfill. A few weeks later, the first prototype made out of cardboard was ready to evaluate if there were others out there who could relate to our mission. Since then we got a vision - make refilling the new normal!

Rethinking our beverage consumption

Why always get a single-use bottle, if we could use our reusable bottle instead. Let’s make a difference together!

1.6 billion - That's how many PET bottles are produced in Switzerland every year.

Compared to other single-use packaging, the PET bottle is the most common and most sustainable single-use packaging for soft drinks. However, it is not perfect. Despite a high recycling rate of 83% (Recycling Switzerland), only 35% of the 1.6 billion PET bottles produced each year in Switzerland can be reused as granulat for new drinking bottles(Carbotech). Before they can be reused, however, a number of energy-intensive processes are required, including sorting, cleaning and reprocessing into PET granulate. This means that the life cycle of PET is not only complex and energy-intensive, but also not completely closed. This leads to downcycling. Additionally, PET takes up to 450 years to degrade and accumulates in our precious environment as microplastic.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The three R's are extremely important to us. It shows that reducing is most sustainable. However, if this is not possible, then objects should be reused and/or recycled at the end of their life cycle. This saves energy and CO2 emissions. We have taken this principle to heart, because every disposable bottle that does not have to be produced saves more energy than if it is recycled. To confirm this, we have gone over the books and carried out a life cycle assessment at the ZHAW, which shows that 49% of CO2 emissions can be saved in an office if you rely on refilling reusable containers compared to disposable consumption.

Let's reduce millions of single-use bottles together

Our mission is to offer a sustainable alternative to disposable beverage consumption, so that everyone can decide whether they want to do without packaging. That's why we want to build a network of beverage stations so that refilling becomes the new standard. Together, we can create an environmental impact bottle by bottle and reduce our plastic consumption as a society. Together with partner organizations, we are also involved in projects in developing countries to ensure the supply of clean water and reduce plastic waste in poorer populations.

News from Wonderfill

Beverage Station Fountain at 'Die Höhle der Löwen Schweiz'
Published on October 22, 2023
How was the appearance for us? What did we take with us? Here you will find everything about our participation and the Wonderfill Station
Big News: We are on 'Die Höhle der Löwen Schweiz'!
Published on October 1, 2023
We are thrilled to announce that we are participating with Wonderfill in the latest season of 'Die Höhle der Löwen Schweiz'! On October 22, we had the chance to present our innovative product to a prominent panel of investors – live on Swiss television.
We changed our name to Wonderfill
Published on September 15, 2023
We've rebranded from Fountain to Wonderfill to better reflect our mission of creating more wonderful drinks and experiences. Our new name captures the essence of innovation and sustainability, as we continue to fill your cups...

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