TheFlavorfulBeverage StationforinnovativeOffices

Replace PET-bottles in your location and offer beverages with functional benefits customized to your needs.

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Partners contributing to our mission


Jennifer Grob

Senior Operations Specialist & Executive Assistant
Boston Consulting Group
We think the Wonderfill Station is fantastic. After trying it out for a month last year, we decided to install a permanent Wonderfill Station in our social area.

This not only helps us save a huge amount of PET, but also provides our employees with a healthier alternative to traditional soft drinks.

Sibel Aytanc

Talent Attraction Manager
Axpo Group
Wonderfill is a real win-win for Axpo Group: We are delighting students with free drinks, promoting a sustainable project and strengthening our employer brand at the same time.

Christian Kaiser

Restaurant Manager
SV Group
Wonderfill represents a great opportunity for us to strengthen our commitment to sustainability

Lucie Rejman

Head of ETH SPH
With Wonderfill, we save thousands of PET bottles a year and don't have to worry about ordering drinks for our events!

Laurène Descampes

Impacthub Zurich
Wonderfill has helped us prevent hundreds of PET bottles at various events. We see great potential!

Mark Voser

Leiter Mandat Bildung
Wonderfill's free drinks provide a completely new platform for our vacancies, which we can bring locally and directly to students - so we can reach exciting interested parties with little effort

Jennifer Grob

Senior Operations Specialist & Executive Assistant
Boston Consulting Group
Wir finden die Wonderfill Station fantastisch. Nachdem wir ihn im letzten Jahr einen Monat lang ausprobiert hatten, beschlossen wir, in unserem Sozialbereich eine permanente Wonderfill Station zu installieren.

Das hilft uns nicht nur, eine grosse Menge an PET zu sparen, sondern bietet unseren Mitarbeitern auch eine gesündere Alternative zu herkömmlichen Softdrinks.

Sibel Aytanc

Talent Attraction Manager
Axpo Group
Wonderfill ist für Axpo Group ein echtes Win-Win-Win: Wir erfreuen Studierende mit gratis Getränken, fördern ein nachhaltiges Projekt und stärken gleichzeitig unsere Arbeitgebermarke.

Christian Kaiser

Restaurant Manager
SV Group
Der Wonderfill ist eine grosse Chance für uns, unser Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit zu verstärken und das Bedürfnis der Kunden zu decken.

Lucie Rejman

Head of ETH SPH
Mit Wonderfill sparen wir Tausende von PET-Flaschen pro Jahr und müssen uns nicht um die Bestellung von Getränken für unsere Veranstaltungen kümmern!

Laurène Descampes

Impacthub Zurich
Wonderfill hat uns geholfen, bei verschiedenen Veranstaltungen Hunderte von PET-Flaschen zu vermeiden. Wir sehen grosses Potenzial!

Mark Voser

Leiter Mandat Bildung
Wonderfill's free drinks provide a completely new platform for our vacancies, which we can bring locally and directly to students - so we can reach exciting interested people with little effort.

Known from “Die Höhle der Löwen”

We are thrilled to announce that we are participating with Wonderfill in the latest season of 'Die Höhle der Löwen Schweiz'! On October 22, we had the chance to present our innovative product to a prominent panel of investors – live on Swiss television.

To the story
Bekannt aus:

Natural drinks from Switzerland

Discover a variety of aromas and high-quality supplements for your wellbeing — made in Switzerland. Wonderfills offers individually combinable drinks that not only taste good, but are also sustainable!
Wonderfill Flavors

That's how it works

  • 1.
    Select your water type
  • Sparkling
  • 2.
    Choose a natural flavor
  • Lemon/Ginger
  • 3.
    Add enhancements and enjoy!
  • Caffeine
    Vitamin C

Our Impact



Reusable bottles refilled



Less CO2 emissions



Cheaper compared to PET bottles


Different drink options

What makes the difference

Revolutionize the beverage consumption in your location

Ditch plastic bottles by switching to refills

Our beverage dispenser enables you to choose an alternative to bottled drinks. You can conveniently fill up flavored beverages with your reusable bottle or cup, cutting CO2-Emissions by more than 50%. Become a part of the sustainable future by going waste-free.

Cut your costs by 50%

Designed for low maintenance and automated reordering, the dispenser saves offices 50% of their beverage expenses on average and lets you focus on what you are best at. Less packaging also means less expenses - pay only for what you receive.

Offer healthy & tasty drinks

Tailor the drink to your specific needs by choosing the type of water, our natural flavors and add functional enhancements to gear up for your tasks ahead. Ready to experience your full potential every single day?

Our journey to reduce 1 billion PET-bottles

During a family dinner, Luca and Alex came up with the idea to start a project aimed at reducing single-use plastic usage. Inspired by Luca's commuting experiences and Alex's insights from a Beach CleanUp in Ghana, they founded Wonderfill in 2023.

Discover our Mission

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